Interview with Artist Rohan Walker

Based in Miami, Rohan Walker is an artist I met through a friend on Instagram. From looking at his artwork I could tell that this guy was just a burst of energy! And I was right! From the moment I contacted him he was a breath of fresh air.. I decided to feature him so you guys could get to know him too!

1. First things first, introduce yourself. 

What's crakin! I am called Lord Sketch, most of my peeps call me Sketch.  I'm an artist from Queensbridge N.Y. I didn't really pay to much attention in art class but I am grateful for it. My art is my therapy, and I want people to see themselves when they look at it. From the "Dino" to the "Wolf" to the "Demons", there is a part of us in the drawing. I do [sees himself in the drawing] and some people don't even know it. Only those who look hard enough. 

2. How long have you been painting? What style of painting do you do? 

I usually use acrylics but krink markers are my weapon of choice! I try to blend what I know with what I like and it ends up coming out very childish an street like, with a message of course. So I would say it's most definitely New School Art.  

3. What was the catalyst that inspired you to begin your craft? Were you always an artist?

My childhood plays a pretty big role. I was always drawing since I was 5 and I'm 24 now. I got in mad trouble for drawing on tests and walls or not paying attention, even in art class. I did what the hell I wanted. My biggest inspirations are the people I meet that are better then me like my art mentors: Krave Art (right) , Mychelle Bentley, Alexandra Lushy Seda (left), Goop Massta, Baghead, 

4. Do you have any favorite artists?

My favorite artist are outside of who I know are Takashi Murakami (left) and Hikari Shimoda, Their art speaks to me on so many levels. I learned about painting by just looking at what they do. Their work makes me want to create more pieces based on deep concepts. 

5. During Picasso's career he was emotionally burdened which led to his "Blue" phase. Do your 

emotions affect your art? How? 

My art is my emotions trying to be seen so hell yea! You will see that a lot of the child like drawings I have are doing things that represent how I feel or what I do. Everything is driven by my emotions, from heart break to everyday struggles of life - all lightly depicted in a cartoon.

6. Many artists convey a common idea/message through their work. What message does your work convey?

My work conveys that street/toon art can be accepted in the art world more than what it may seem to be. That is my mission. The same art done by new school art heads should be respected just as much as the ones considered complex and featured in expensive art shows. I don't think its fair that art like mine gets turned down or looked at as silly kids drawings, when they have more depth and shock value then most world renowned artists. Were all suppose to be equals, so our art should be treated as such. 

7. What are the biggest obstacles you face as an artist? How do you overcome them?

My biggest obstacle would be letting go of original pieces I've done. Don't get me wrong it's always nice to make some bread off my work, but a real artist cant bear the thought of letting go of a piece he worked so hard on - especially one you made thinking it would go up on your wall. It's like giving your child up for a few bucks. I know its funny but I have a hard time letting go of my own creations. 

8. Any last words?

You were a blast talking to dudet! I thank you. To all my art heads out there, Don't be an artist for glory do it because......

IG: LordSketch

Thanks for reading!

