What Had Happened Was..


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In Matthew 25, Jesus is followed by many, healing the sick and sharing wisdom among the people. When they ask Jesus what will it be like when the Son of Man returns, he shares the Parable of the Talents. A man is going on a journey and calls his 3 servants to trust them with his possessions while he’s gone. He gives one servant 5 talents, another servant 2 talents, and the last servant 1 talent according to their own abilities (v.15). The servant with 5 talents traded and doubled his fortune to 10. The servant with 2 talents worked and doubled his fortune to 4. The servant with 1 talent dug his fortune into the ground.

After a long time the Master returned and wanted to know what had become of what he trusted his servants with. The servant with 5 talents brought 10 talents to the Master and he replied “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." The servant with 2 talents returned 4 talents to the Master and he answered him the same response as the first. The servant with 1 talent returned with 1 talent saying that he knew his Master was a hard man who usually reaps what he doesn’t sow, and harvests where he didn’t plant, so he hid his talent into the ground.

‘You wicked and lazy servant! If you knew I harvested crops I didn’t plant and gathered crops I didn’t cultivate, why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? At least I could have gotten some interest on it.’
— Matthew 25:26 NLT

When the master heard this he was infuriated.  He ordered the servant with 1 talent to give his talent to the servant with 10 and cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness where they’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Here's what we must learn from our 3 servants: Our first 2 servants were given multiple talents. Though in the context of this story the talents are referred to as money, we will consider these talents to be gifts and abilities. The first two servants took their abilities and traded them, they worked on them and their talents inevitably doubled. 

We learn that the third servant had a vision problem. There was nothing wrong with his eyes, but his eyes were looking at the wrong things. He looked toward the possessions of his master and having not seen how he gained his fortune, the servant assumed that his master had not worked for it. With this thinking he became afraid of his own potential so he took his gift and put it in the dirt.


How often do we look at the fortunes of others and let fear make us think it's impossible for us to do the same? How disrespectful of the servant to assume the Master hadn't put in any work!  The other two worked their gifts, so when the Master heard what the third servant had not done, he called him worthless. Stop looking and comparing yourself to others, and ALWAYS do the work. Take note of why the two servants received the reward for putting the work in. When the Master saw their talents doubled he told them "You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master."  Many times we cant have what we really want because we have not proven that we can be responsible with what we do have! How can you pray for riches with your current over drafted account? How can you pray for a relationship when you can barely manage the ones you have? We must prove ourselves faithful with the goals we've been granted today so we can flourish in the bigger visions tomorrow. 

And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
— Servant With One Talent

Another thing to point out is this: After the Master hears what the third servant had not done, he tells the servant to take his one gift and give it to the servant with 10. We must stop looking at the gifts we have as "not enough". The first two servants saw the worth in what they had so they invested in it, while the third servant thought that what was given to him wasn't really his. You will not invest in what you do not believe in. Do you believe in the talents you have? If you think you have plenty, you do have plenty. If you think you have nothing, nothing is all you will have. We must change our thinking and perspective about our wonderful gifts! 

 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
— Matthew 25:29

Jesus tells this parable to describe what it’ll be like when he makes his return. Those who believe in Him are his servants who God has given power, dominion and authority to us to govern the earth. He gives us a specific number of gifts and talents according to our own abilities and it's our choice to work on them or put them in the dirt. Those who work enter into the joy of the Master, those who do not are cast away. Your choice!