Self-Help Books for The Millenial Soul
I remember the days as a kid when I wanted to go out with my friends, and my Haitian parents always said no. Usually after 15 minutes of begging my dad used to cut me off with “Why don’t you just sit down and read a book instead?!” Fast forward to my adult life I find myself taking his advice more and more these days. I’ve never been a book worm, but for the past few years I’ve fallen in love with many books. Writing, like music, and painting is art to me. That explains why my favorite songs are always on repeat, striking paintings are tattooed on my lockscreen, and I re-read many books. I always feel like there’s something I missed and usually I am right. I am lover of self help books. I think everyone can make good use of how to apply positive actions/thoughts/practices to their daily lives. We all could use some fine-tuning every once in a while. I recently posted a new read on my Instastories, and a few folks asked about other books I recommend. While I haven’t hit all the books on my wish-list just yet, here are a few that have changed my life for the better.
1. The Holy Bible (ESV)
How could I write a post about self-help books and not include the top selling self-help book in history! The Holy Bible outside of its religious context is a complilation of books separated by ideas: Law (Genesis – Deuteronomy), Wisdom (Job – The Song Of Solomon) Prophecy (Isaiah – Daniel) etc. Many people credit their spiritual salvation to this piece of literature myself included. The Bible in the Chrisitian faith is the Word of God. There are so many mysteries within it’s pages and its referenced as the Living Word because it’s words have defeated the tests of time. My favorite books of the Bible are Psalms and Proverbs. The Book of Psalms was written by King David and David is very transparent with God when he was angry, afraid, guilty, joyful and victorious. I think we can all relate. The Bible is available in 670 langauages, and you can download the Bible App to have the Good Book accessible on your phone. Download the app here.
2. The Year of Yes – Shonda Rhimes
I was recommended this book in the beginning of 2017 by my very good friend Barbara. I was supposed to read it in January, but I put it off. After Barbara's persistence, I said "yes" to this book and I'm glad I did. The Year of Yes is Shonda's personal testimony to how you can live life to the fullest when you consistently accept the good things that move in your direction. The moment Shonda said "yes" to what she loved (including saying "yes" to saying "no") her life changed. It all started when her sister complained to her that she never said "yes" to anything. Sound familiar? I could relate because I always shot down any opportunity that came my way no matter how big or small. Throughout the book Shonda shares the obstacles she faced as a successful career woman and mother who struggled to say yes to what her hearts desires were. I recommend this book to everyone who struggles with indecisiveness as well as putting themselves first. Listen to an excerpt here.
3. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
For this book to be so little pages, it packs quite the punch. Without giving too much away, The Alchemist is a fictional tale of a young shepherd on his journey of finding treasure. There are quotes and parables throughout this book that share a different meaning everytime I read it. It's remarkable how almost every sentence is a double edged sword. Read an excerpt here.
4. The Power – Rhonda Byrne
I read this book this year and it changed my life. My entire perception of life and my faith was transformed. I never knew how possible it was to live a joyful, exhilarating life until finding out about The Power. This book influenced me to read the Bible through a new lens and live my day to day life to the fullest at all times.
5. Soar – Bishop TD Jakes
In my mind, Bishop TD Jakes is my uncle. Uncle Bishop TD Jakes has published a book providing the blueprint to transitioning your visions from ideas to reality. There are many metaphors in reference to flight and you’ll realize how the steps leading to success are very similar to scenarios throughout history. My uncle walks you through formulating a plan along with advice to help you prevent making common errors along the journey of becoming a success.